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The Fundamentals of Fall

With Summer in the rear-view mirror, most of us are settling into a more familiar cadence. Our kids are shuffling off to various schools and the demands of adhering to schedules are back in full force for the first time in what feels like ages.

Now, the Fall returns with its indelible markings and it feels like seasonal Real Estate is back as well after a long hiatus. While the Summer market carried a fairly torrid pace, there was a noticeable slowdown in August with buyers, sellers, and agents taking time to rejuvenate and recharge.
As we reached September, most everyone returned, and it is clear that there is a big backlog of buyer demand and perhaps a smaller backlog of inventory that should all be released in the weeks ahead. If my buyers and agent emails regarding buyer needs are any indications, then the Fall market (Sept – Nov) should be extremely active with prices pushing higher. Even with folks out of town, homes have still been trading at record levels, and in heated competition. Expect that to be ratcheted up in the Fall.

On a personal note, I traveled for a more extended period this Summer. While away, I took stock of many things including my business. A primary takeaway, as it relates to my business, is that I want to make a concerted effort to learn more about the fundamentals that have gotten me to this point. Bells, whistles, and shiny objects need not apply! I have come to realize that external factors can be distracting and ultimately carry far less weight than my actions. As a driver, I have committed to performing my very next action to the best of my ability.

With renewed focus and energy, I greatly look forward to what lies ahead. I would love to hear from you and stand ready to help in any way I can! Please don’t hesitate to reach out and say hello.

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